Thursday 24 August to Thursday 31 August
Les Gavatxes, nearby the village of Beget, Alta Garrotxa Protected Natural Area, Catalonia

Sesshin means “to touch the heart”. To practice zazen, to be practiced by zazen. While touching the heart, we discover there is nothing missing. Everything is already here. In this time of war, fear, uncertainty and fallback on identity, sesshin is an invitation to reveal the boundless space which unfolds from the center of our chest – the boundless space which is peace. Sesshin is an invitation to replenish within us the joy of this very life and to let it unfold throughout our entire existence.
The silent retreat will include 8 hours of daily meditation, teachings (Teisho), private interviews with the teacher and two hours of samu (mindful work). The emphasis will be on sitting/walking meditation and continuous practice: no separation between formal sitting and all aspects of daily life: work and relationships.
Dates: The Retreat starts August 24, 6pm and ends Wednesday August 30th 6 pm.
Departure possible on Thursday morning August 31st
Michel Genko Dubois is a Zen teacher in the Soto lineage of Taizan Maezumi Rôshi, founder of the Los Angeles Zen Center. He received Dharma transmission – Shiho – from Genpo Roshi and Inka (final approval of realisation) from Bernie Tetsugen Glassman Roshi. He is a prison chaplain, a member of Zenpeacemakers. and a cofounder of the humanitarian organization, « l’Un Est l’Autre » which serves meals to refugees and homeless people in Paris.
Limited to 15 participants.
370€ – meals and lodging included. Participants must also pay 20€ the annual affiliate membership fee to Zen – Voie du Cœur. In case of financial difficulties, please feel free to contact us at this address or to call Philippe +33 6 20 15 58 00.
Les Gavatxes is a country estate in the Alta Garrotxa (Cataluña), a protected nature area in the Spanish part of the Pyrenees, near the village of Beget ; the closest city, Olot is approximately 25 km away. It is a place of beauty and power—a place to fall in love with the Earth. The mountains and the trees already sitting, are waiting for us to join. They never stop breathing out love.
Arrival : there is a direct bus connection from Girona or Barcelona to Castellfollit de la Roca. You will be picked up at Castellfollit de la Roca at 4 pm or upon request.
Departure on Thursday morning August 31st
Information Les Gavatxes / transportation :
Tel. : 00 34 972 19 20 22