Tuesday, November 7 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Zoom meeting

“Every time we work heartfully, we nourish the Sacred body”— Eihei Dōgen, Instructions to the Cook.
It is in the very heart of our practice – and our own heart – that we can find both a path and support to move from a society which destroys life to a society which sustains it. And to implement a change of paradigm within ourselves and the world from dominating nature to letting ourselves be guided by Nature.
We will look at the Universal recommendations for the practice of zazen (Fukanzazengi), Instructions to the Cook (Tenzo Kyokun), Buddha Nature (Bussho) and other texts, as well as our own hearts, to nourish and renew our commitment to sit and work joyfully toward the collective and societal implication of “practicing the step backward that turns the light inward” to look straight into our nature. Seeing our nature and letting Nature penetrate us through and through. And taking concrete steps to nourish the Sacred Body.
By Genko Roshi and Emmanuel Cœur Sans Limites Ollivier.
Genko Roshi is a Zen teacher and a prison chaplain. He received shiho from Genpo Roshi and Inka from Bernie Glassman Roshi.
Emmanuel Coeur Sans Limites started practicing Zen in 1980. In 2006, he became a Theravadin monk during one year in Thailand, Cambodia and Laos. He is now one of the key participants in providing support for homeless people and refugees in Paris. He is a director of several shelters of the Salvation Army and he oversees the distribution of 4000 meals daily.
Both are cofounders of the Soup Kitchen L’Un Est l’Autre which distributes 130.000 meals a year.
In collective intelligence we trust: the content and container will be fully determined during and after the introduction meeting. Each session may include a few words of introduction (Genko Roshi, Emmanuel). Short periods of zazen, as well as time for meteo in the format of Council. Commentaries and sharing of the Universal recommendations for the practice of zazen. Our question—our koan— may be how to make our very life the actualization of the Universal recommendations for the practice of zazen—a feast for all beings.
Upon request, Michel Genko will offer guided meditations to practice & integrate the essential points of the text and Emmanuel express how to take concrete steps to nourish the Sacred Body.
Zen – Voie du Cœur and Zen Peacemakers International invite you to a Zoom meeting with Michel Genko Dubois, Emmanuel Cœur Sans Limites Ollivier.
Language: English with partial translation in French if needed.
If you wish to participate, please look carefully at the reading material which will facilitate your participation.
Reading material:
- The Norman Waddell, Abe Masao translation of the Fukanzazengi
- The concise commentary by Daniel Gallagher
2 pages of the Instructions to the Tenzo Page 37-39, From When you take care of things to Taking the backward step of transforming the self is the way to bring ease to the community — most particularly this last sentence.
And 1 pages from BUSSHO / the Buddha-nature translated by Edo Shimano Roshi:
Free. Donations are encouraged and will be used to organize a festive meal at a Salvation Army shelter which hosts refugee and homeless families and to create a vegetable garden on the premise. The festive meal will be prepared May 28 during a Zen – Voie du Cœur / Zen–Way of the Heart sesshin from May 26 to May 29
Meeting ID : 680 644 1369
Secret code : Nourishing