Introduction to the Way of Council

Friday June 16, 5pm—Sunday June 18, 6pm

Palais de la Femme (Salvation Army), 94 rue de Charonne, 75011 Paris

Council is a practice of speaking and listening from the heart. Derived from ancient forms of coming together and communicating in a circle, Council is now being practiced around the world in communities, organizations, educational and correctional settings, boardrooms and classrooms, prisons and playgrounds by couples, families, and communities. Council focuses our intention and energy on the common stories, values, fears and aspirations that make us human; it reminds us that we are more alike than we are different, more capable of finding common ground than we may have thought. It is a practice for honoring individuals and deepening community, as well as for embodying our profound interconnectedness. Through heartfelt expression and empathic, attentive listening, Council inspires a non-hierarchical form of deep communication that reveals a group’s vision and purpose.

Council circle, Salinas Valley State Prison, Californie

Introduction to Council Palais de la Femme, Paris, 2015
Council is a practice of speaking and listening from the heart. Derived from ancient forms of coming together and communicating in a circle, Council is now being practiced around the world in communities, organizations, educational and correctional settings, boardrooms and classrooms, prisons and playgrounds by couples, families, and communities. Council focuses our intention and energy on the common stories, values, fears and aspirations that make us human; it reminds us that we are more alike than we are different, more capable of finding common ground than we may have thought. It is a practice for honoring individuals and deepening community, as well as for embodying our profound interconnectedness. Through heartfelt expression and empathic, attentive listening, Council inspires a non-hierarchical form of deep communication that reveals a group’s vision and purpose.

With Jared Seide, director of Center for Council & Dr. Ann Phillips Seide, MD, trainer

This immersive and interactive 3-day workshop, will be led by Jared Seide, Director of Center for Council, located in California. It is presented by a partnership of several collectives which place dialogue and deep listening at the very heart of their quests and practices : Maisons de l’Intelligence Collective, Mindfulness Solidaire et Zen – Voie du Cœur, Zen Peacemakers.

Participants will uncover the essential elements of the Council practice and the many forms in which it can be used and experience the dynamics of creating a container for truly seeing and being seen. By the end of the workshop, participants will have the grounding to begin to make Council their own and start to experience inviting and facilitating Council Circles in their own lives and relationships.

The price for this event is 450€ which includes:

  • 2.5 days of formation
  • Morning and afternoon coffee breaks
  • 20€ towards becoming a member to the association Zen Voie du Coeur, the organizer of the formation

The membership form will be completed on location.

A 400€ “early bird” price is offered until the end of April

We wish that the group of participants mirrors a variety of contexts in which these circles can constitute a key transformation resource.

With this in mind, we also offer a 250€ solidarity price for students, job seekers or for those in professional transition.

Please contact us at the e-mail address below if you are in this situation or if our prices are a hindrance for your participation.

Deadline: April 15