Tuesday 22 august to Thursday 24 August
Les Gavatxes, nearby the village of Beget, Alta Garrotxa Protected Natural Area, Catalonia

A plunge in the Natural Reserve of Alta Garotxa in the Pyrenees to anchor and connect through sitting and walking meditation in the forest, based on Joanna Macy’s work that reconnects, eco-rituals, the Peacemakers tenets and the 4 intentions of the Council Circle.
How can we meet discouragement and powerlessness as we face the magnitude of the ecological and social crisis, and transform them into creative engagement?
How can we ground ourselves like the roots of a tree to sustain ourselves, others and the Earth ?
How can we implement a change of paradigm within ourselves and the world from dominating Nature to letting ourselves be guided by Nature?
This time of sharing in the Alta Garotxa forest is an invitation to speak with an open heart about the crisis of civilization that besets us.
We will invite ourselves to meet our emotions and deconstruct the beliefs that humanity and Nature are separate, in the same movement that reconciles women and men, masculine and feminine, human and non-human.
Connecting our aspirations as peacemakers and discovering ways to celebrate and honor our relationships with all forms of life.

During these two days, in the heart of the mountain forest, we will practice:
Sitting-Zazen and Walking meditation in the forest.
The 4 steps of “work that connects”

- Rooting ourselves in gratitude: open our perspectives, remember all that is good
- Honoring our pain: naming our needs, our emotions in the face of the magnitude of collective crises
- Discovering resources at our disposal and developing our creativity
- Moving forward: getting back on track and replenishing ourselves with energy.
The 3 Peacemaker tenets
- Not knowing: abandon fixed ideas about ourselves, others and the universe
- Witness: the joy and suffering of the world
- Acting: taking part in the world based on the first two principles
The 4 intentions of the Council Circle:
- Speak from the heart – Listen from the heart – Be spontaneous
- Be succinct, direct
We will practice eco-rituals to establish in our daily lives a new vision of the sacred and re-enchanted world.
Dates and times
The retreat starts on the morning of 22 August and ends on the morning of 24 August, two days before the sesshin which starts at 6pm on Thursday 24 August.
Price for the retreat
Fixed basic fee (100€) at registration: includes meals and yurt rental
Remuneration for the workshop in informed conscious participation: You will decide freely at the end of the workshop, how much you want and can give to the association Zen voie du cœur with a minimum contribution of 1€.
The retreat is located in the forest which is part of the Gavatxes estate in Spain, near the village of Beget. A yurt is at our disposal but if the weather permits we can sleep under the stars.
Contact :
To register send an email to zenvoieducoeur@gmail.com
For any question concerning the retreat, you can contact us:
+33 6 46 60 84 30 / zenvoieducoeur@gmail.com